
Calcium and Vitamin D3 Tablets Manufacturer & Wholesaler Supplier


Compositions: Calcium Citrate Malate 1250mg, Vitamin D3 4000 I.U. Tablet Manufacturer & Wholesaler Supplier in India

Category : Nutritional
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About Calcium and Vitamin D3 Tablets

Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet is a premium dietary supplement meticulously crafted to provide comprehensive support for bone health. It combines the power of Calcium Citrate Malate and Vitamin D3, two essential nutrients that play a crucial role in maintaining strong and healthy bones. Calcium Citrate Malate is a highly bioavailable form of calcium, meaning it is easily absorbed and utilized by the body. Vitamin D3, also known as the sunshine vitamin, helps enhance calcium absorption and utilization, further contributing to optimal bone health. 

Glasierwellness is a leading manufacturer and wholesale supplier of Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet in India

Packing of Calcium and Vitamin D3 Tablets

Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet is thoughtfully packaged in a box containing 10 strips, with each blister pack containing 15 tablets. This packaging ensures that you have an ample supply of Softcal D3 to support your bone health needs. The blister packs are designed to protect the tablets from environmental factors such as moisture, air, and light, preserving their potency and efficacy. Each tablet is individually sealed within the blister pack, maintaining its integrity and freshness until it is ready to be consumed. 

The pack of 10x15 tablets offers convenience and value, allowing you to easily track your dosage and manage your bone health regimen.

Compositions of Calcium and Vitamin D3 Tablets

Calcium Citrate Malate: 

Calcium citrate malate is a form of calcium that combines calcium with citric acid and malic acid. It is a highly bioavailable and easily absorbed form of calcium, making it an effective supplement for promoting bone health. Calcium is an essential mineral required for the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. It plays a vital role in various physiological processes, including muscle function, nerve transmission, and hormone secretion. Calcium citrate malate provides a concentrated source of calcium, ensuring adequate intake to support bone density and strength. 

Vitamin D3: 

Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol, is a crucial vitamin that aids in the absorption and utilization of calcium. It is synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight and can also be obtained from dietary sources. Vitamin D3 plays a vital role in maintaining proper calcium levels in the body and promoting bone health. It enhances the absorption of calcium from the intestines and helps in its deposition in the bones, thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Vitamin D3 is also involved in various other physiological processes, including immune function, cell growth, and inflammation regulation. 

Calcium citrate malate and vitamin D3 in Softcal D3 Tablet work synergistically to support optimal bone health. Calcium citrate malate provides the necessary calcium for bone formation, while vitamin D3 enhances its absorption and utilization. This combination is particularly beneficial for individuals at risk of calcium deficiency or those with conditions such as osteomalacia, osteoporosis, or hypoparathyroidism. By ensuring adequate calcium intake and promoting its absorption, Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet helps maintain healthy bones, teeth, and overall skeletal integrity.

When to Use Calcium and Vitamin D3 Tablets


Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet is indicated for the treatment of osteomalacia, a condition characterized by the softening and weakening of the bones due to inadequate mineralization. It provides a supplemental source of calcium and vitamin D3, which are essential for bone mineralization and preventing further bone loss. By addressing the underlying calcium and vitamin D deficiencies, Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet helps improve bone density and strength, alleviating the symptoms of osteomalacia. 

In Pregnancy and Lactation: 

Pregnancy and lactation are critical periods during which the nutritional requirements for both the mother and the developing fetus or infant increase. Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet is indicated for use in pregnant and lactating women to support the increased demand for calcium and vitamin D3. It helps ensure proper fetal skeletal development and supports milk production, which is essential for the nursing infant's bone health. Adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D3 during pregnancy and lactation can help prevent complications such as gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia, and postpartum bone loss. 


Hypoparathyroidism is a condition characterized by low levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH), leading to impaired calcium regulation in the body. Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet is indicated as adjunctive therapy in the management of hypoparathyroidism. It provides a supplemental source of calcium and vitamin D3, compensating for deficient PTH levels. The calcium citrate malate in the tablet supplies the necessary calcium, while vitamin D3 enhances its absorption and utilization, helping to maintain adequate calcium levels in the body. Bone Fracture: Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet is indicated for individuals with a history of bone fractures or those at risk of fractures, such as older adults or individuals with osteoporosis. Calcium and vitamin D3 are essential nutrients for maintaining bone strength and integrity. By supplementing with Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablets, individuals can support the healing process of fractures and reduce the risk of future fractures by optimizing calcium and vitamin D3 levels in the body. It aids in the proper mineralization and strengthening of the bones, promoting fracture healing and preventing further bone loss. 


Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by low bone density and increased risk of fractures. Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet is indicated for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. The combination of calcium citrate malate and vitamin D3 in the tablet helps improve bone mineral density, reduce the risk of fractures, and slow down the progression of osteoporosis. It provides the necessary nutrients for bone formation and maintenance, promoting overall skeletal health and reducing the risk of fractures associated with osteoporosis.

Benefits of Calcium and Vitamin D3 Tablets

Supports Strong Bones:  Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet provides a high dose of calcium citrate malate, a highly bioavailable form of calcium, which helps in maintaining optimal bone health and strength. 

Promotes Bone Mineralization: The combination of calcium citrate malate and vitamin D3 in Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet aids in the proper mineralization of bones, ensuring the deposition of essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus for strong and healthy bones. 

Prevents Osteomalacia:  Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet is beneficial for individuals with osteomalacia, a condition characterized by soft and weak bones. The calcium and vitamin D3 content in the tablet helps in replenishing calcium levels and promoting bone mineralization, thus preventing osteomalacia. 

Supports Pregnancy and Lactation: During pregnancy and lactation, the demand for calcium increases significantly. Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet provides essential calcium and vitamin D3, which are crucial for the development of the baby's skeletal system and for maintaining the mother's bone health. 

Enhances Calcium Absorption: Vitamin D3 in Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablets plays a vital role in enhancing the absorption of calcium from the diet, ensuring that an adequate amount of calcium is available for bone health and other physiological functions. 

Supports Dental Health: Calcium is essential for maintaining strong and healthy teeth. Softcal D3 Tablet provides a significant dose of calcium, contributing to optimal dental health and preventing dental problems associated with calcium deficiency. 

Aids in Hypoparathyroidism Management:  Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablets can be used as a supportive therapy in managing hypoparathyroidism, a condition characterized by low levels of parathyroid hormone and calcium. The calcium and vitamin D3 content in the tablet helps in maintaining normal calcium levels in the body. 

Accelerates Bone Fracture Healing: The combination of calcium citrate malate and vitamin D3 supports bone strength and the formation of new bone tissue, aiding in the healing and recovery process of bone fractures. 

Reduces the Risk of Osteoporosis:  Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablets can be used as adjuvant therapy in the management of osteoporosis, a condition characterized by low bone density and increased fracture risk. The calcium and vitamin D3 content in the tablet help in maintaining bone density and preventing further bone loss. 

Supports Nerve Function: Calcium is essential for nerve transmission and proper functioning of the nervous system. Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet ensures an adequate supply of calcium for optimal nerve function. 

Promotes Muscle Function: Calcium is involved in muscle contraction and relaxation. Softcal D3 Tablet provides calcium, which is necessary for maintaining proper muscle function. 

Supports Heart Health: Adequate calcium levels are essential for maintaining normal heart rhythm and function. Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet helps in ensuring optimal calcium levels for heart health. 

Boosts Immune System: Vitamin D3 plays a crucial role in immune system function. Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet provides vitamin D3, which supports a healthy immune system. 

Enhances Overall Well-being: The combination of essential nutrients in Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet promotes overall well-being by supporting bone health, immune function, and various physiological processes in the body. 

Improves Nutrient Absorption: Vitamin D3 in Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablets enhances the absorption of other essential nutrients, such as iron and magnesium, contributing to overall nutrient utilization and well-being. 

Reduces the Risk of Rickets:  Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet is beneficial in reducing the risk of rickets, a condition characterized by weak and soft bones. The combination of calcium citrate malate and vitamin D3 helps in promoting proper bone mineralization and preventing rickets. 

Supports Bone Density in Menopausal Women: Menopausal women often experience a decline in bone density due to hormonal changes. Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet provides essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D3, which can help maintain bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis in this population. 

Enhances Calcium Utilization: Calcium citrate malate, the form of calcium in Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablets, is highly bioavailable and easily absorbed by the body. This promotes efficient calcium utilization and ensures that the body receives the maximum benefits of calcium supplementation. 

May Aid in PMS Symptom Relief: Some studies suggest that calcium supplementation, such as that provided by Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet, may help alleviate certain symptoms associated with premenstrual syndromes (PMS), such as mood swings, irritability, and bloating. 

Supports Healthy Blood Clotting: Adequate calcium levels are necessary for proper blood clotting. Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet helps maintain optimal calcium levels, supporting healthy blood clotting processes in the body. 

Supports Cardiovascular Health: Calcium is involved in various cardiovascular processes, including muscle contraction and blood vessel function. Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet helps support cardiovascular health by ensuring adequate calcium levels in the body. 

Promotes Healthy Immune Function: Vitamin D3, found in Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet, plays a crucial role in immune system regulation. Adequate levels of vitamin D3 can support healthy immune function and enhance the body's defense against infections. 

May Aid in Mood Regulation: Vitamin D3 has been linked to mood regulation, and its supplementation may help improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression. Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet provides vitamin D3, potentially contributing to overall mental well-being. 

Supports Healthy Skin: The combination of calcium and vitamin D3 in the Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet can contribute to healthy skin by promoting collagen production, supporting skin cell renewal, and improving overall skin health. 

Assists in Electrolyte Balance: Calcium is an essential electrolyte involved in maintaining proper fluid balance in the body. Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet helps support electrolyte balance, which is necessary for overall cellular function. 

Promotes Overall Well-being: By providing essential nutrients for bone health, immune function, cardiovascular health, and various physiological processes, Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet promotes overall well-being and supports a healthy and active lifestyle.

How to Use Calcium and Vitamin D3 Tablets

  • Take a Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet as directed by your healthcare professional.
  • The usual recommended dosage for adults is one tablet per day, preferably with a meal to enhance absorption.
  • Swallow the tablet whole with a glass of water. Do not chew or crush the tablet unless advised by your healthcare professional.
  • Follow the prescribed dosage and duration of use. Do not exceed the recommended dosage without medical supervision.

How to Storage Calcium and Vitamin D3 Tablets

  • Store Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablets in their original strip pack in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep the strip pack tightly closed to protect the tablets from moisture, air, and light.
  • Ensure that the strip pack is stored in a location where it is not easily accessible to children and pets.
  • Avoid exposing the strip pack to high humidity or extreme temperatures, as these conditions may affect the quality and effectiveness of the tablets.
  • Do not transfer the tablets to another container, as the original strip pack is designed to maintain the integrity of the product.
  • Check the expiration date on the strip pack before using the tablets and discard any expired or damaged tablets.
  • Following these storage guidelines will help ensure the quality and potency of Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 tablets throughout their shelf life.


  • Consult your healthcare professional before starting Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablets, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions, are taking other medications, or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Do not substitute Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablets for a balanced diet or other calcium and vitamin D3 sources without medical advice.
  • If you experience any allergic reactions or adverse effects after taking Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablets, discontinue use and seek medical attention immediately.
  • Keep a record of your calcium and vitamin D intake from all sources to ensure you are not exceeding the recommended daily allowances.
  • Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet is not intended for children unless specifically recommended by a healthcare professional.
  • Do not use Calcium Citrate Malate & Vitamin D3 Tablet past the expiration date mentioned on the packaging.
  • If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is close to the time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule.


The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any dietary supplement or making changes to your healthcare regimen. 

The statements regarding the efficacy, benefits, or outcomes of the products mentioned on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other regulatory authority. The information provided is based on general knowledge and understanding of the product's ingredients and their potential benefits. Individual results may vary, and the effectiveness of the products can depend on various factors, including an individual's health condition, lifestyle, and adherence to the recommended dosage. 

The information provided on this website does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or guidance. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical condition or concerns you may have. 

The website owners, authors, and contributors are not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the misuse or misinterpretation of the information provided. They shall not be held liable for any damages or consequences resulting from the use or reliance on the information provided on this website. 

It is important to carefully read and follow the instructions and precautions provided with the products. Discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional if you experience any adverse reactions or have concerns about the product's suitability for your specific needs. 

The website may contain links to external websites or resources. These links are provided for convenience and do not signify endorsement or responsibility for the content, accuracy, or availability of these external sites. 

Always read the product packaging and labeling before use. Keep all dietary supplements out of the reach of children. 

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